American Idol Season 10 EP Sales Week 9
After 9 weeks, the Top 4 finishers of American Idol Season 10 still have their EP's within the BillBoard 200. I think that is pretty impressive. Scotty McCreery leads the way as usual with 11,000 in sales bringing his total over 150K to 156,000 and keeping him in the BillBoard Top 30 for the ninth consecutive week (this week at #30.) With his debut studio album, "Clear As Day" only about a month away from release, he is personally keeping a steady stream of money flowing for Interscope. The other three finalists combine for another 10,000 in sales, with Lauren Alaina leading them with 4,000 in sales (67,000 total, BillBoard #104), and Haley (52,000 total, BillBoard #178) and James (53,000 total, BillBoard #189) continuing to track very close to each other with 3,000 in sales. It is pretty impressive how close Haley and James' numbers have been every single week! Their BillBoard ranking had never differed by more than 10 until this week, when Haley is 11 slots ahead of James.
Other numbers I had tracked had been Youtube/VEVO views for the music videos for "I Love You This Big", "Like My Mother Does" and "This Time". Back on August 16 I had posted that Scotty was way ahead in video views, but now for some reason Pia has jumped considerably ahead of Scotty. She now has an astonishing 4,000,000 views of her video compared to 2,500,000 for Scotty and 640,000 for Lauren. The problem for her is that her song is still not getting any airplay and her song is not selling on iTunes. Even though Pia's video may have received more than 6x as many hits as Lauren's video, "Like My Mother Does" still sold 6,000 downloads this past week and "This Time" sold less than 1,000 (not on Brian Mansfield's list.) And Scotty's "I Love You This Big" sold another impressive 20,000 copies, even as his new single "The Trouble With Girls" was just released. Something tells me Scotty is about to start selling even more downloads on iTunes very soon.
Happy Tree Friends
Happy Tree Friends is a Flash cartoon series. As indicated on the official site, it is "not recommended for children under 10". Despite its childish appearance, the show is extremely violent, with every episode featuring blood, pain, and gruesome deaths.
American Idol Season 10 EP Sales Week 8
Another week has passed but the American Idol Season 10 EP sales story remains the same. Scotty McCreery's EP continues to sell very well and the other Idols keep very steady in their sales. Scotty sold another 12,000 copies this week to bring his total to 145,000 and place him #28 on the BillBoard chart. Lauren Alaina continues to sell about 5,000 units, bringing her total to 75,000 and putting her at #63 on the chart (a slight improvement over last week.) James and Haley continue to track very closely together with sales of 3,000 for each of them this week, bringing James to 53,000 (BillBoard #144) copies and Haley to 52,000 (BillBoard #148)
On the singles downloads chart the story is similar with Scotty selling another 23,000 copies of "I Love You This Big" and Lauren selling 7,000 copies of "Like My Mother Does". That pushes Lauren over the quarter million mark to total 253,000 and pushes Scotty to 527,000. Casey James from Season 9 debuted with 5,000 in sales from his single "Let's Don't Call It a Night".
On the singles downloads chart the story is similar with Scotty selling another 23,000 copies of "I Love You This Big" and Lauren selling 7,000 copies of "Like My Mother Does". That pushes Lauren over the quarter million mark to total 253,000 and pushes Scotty to 527,000. Casey James from Season 9 debuted with 5,000 in sales from his single "Let's Don't Call It a Night".
American Idol Season 10 EP Sales Week 7
Scotty McCreery's EP finally stopped increasing in sales, but still sold a very solid 14,000 units to land him #29 on the BillBoard album charts with total sales of 133,000. This is at week number 7 within the Top 30 for him which is pretty impressive. Lauren Alaina also saw strong sales of 5,000 units this week (total of 58,000) which lowered her BillBoard ranking to #76, further separating her from Haley Reinhart and James Durbin who continue to stay very close together in sales. This week both of them sold about 4,000 units, with Haley landing at #123 and James at #129. Both of them are now at or near the 50,000 sales point. The total sales for the four EP's is now approaching 300,000 units.
Scotty hit a new landmark this week by topping 500,000 in downloads for "I Love You This Big", so it should be certified Gold. Who would have thought that song would have done so well? Lauren's "Like My Mother Does" is very near the quarter million point (247,000) so she is half way there as well. With both of their albums being released in less than two months, the strong response of their debut singles should help their album sales in October. Incidentally both albums are now available for pre-order at, and Scotty's "Clear As Day" is currently ranked #11 in sales of all albums and Lauren's "Wildflower" is listed at #65. If interest in their music can keep up for two more months there are going to be some very happy executives at Interscope Records!
Season 10 American Idol Video Views - A Week Later
Since it has been exactly one week since Scotty McCreery and Pia Toscano's official music videos were released (and 8 days for Lauren Alaina's), I thought I would check and to see how the total counts for their videos is going. Since Pia is only on YouTube/Vevo I thought I would check YouTube first. By searching for the official Vevo videos for each one, the count as of 9:30am (central time today) is:
Scotty: 1,164,000
Lauren: 404,000
Pia: 314,000
I find it amazing that Scotty has over a million views already in just one week with more total views there than Lauren and Pia combined. However, if we look at CMT, it is interesting to see the numbers are quite different there with Lauren receiving 156K views and Scotty only receiving 108K views so Lauren has about 50% more CMT views. This is enough to put Lauren at #4 on the CMT top videos list while Scotty is at #5. Nevertheless they are both posted on the front page of which is definitely a good thing! If we add the two sites together we can get a total:
Scotty: 1,164K + 108K = 1,272K
Lauren: 404K + 156K = 560K
Pia: 314K
This sounds like a bar graph to me!

So in grand total, Scotty still has more than twice as many total views than Lauren and more than Lauren and Pia combined. When you add Lauren's total together she has nearly twice as many views at Pia has received on Vevo. Do video view counts really mean anything?
In any case, I thought Scotty and Lauren were great together on the CMA show on Sunday night. I love the video of them together:
Pia was just on Regis and Kelly today, so perhaps that will boost her page views and her single spins and sales too. I tell you, Pia sings great and looks great, but for some reason she does not seem like a future singing superstar to me.
MJ'sBigBlog Commenter's Come Through With the Numbers!
I knew I could count on the many trusty viewers of MJ'sBigBlog to fill in my empty numbers for Haley and Jame's EP sales for the week! Sure enough they have their total sales numbers and BillBoard rankings. I has assumed they had kept pace with Lauren, but they must be a little behind since both of them fell out of the BillBoard Top 100, but are again back to back of each other, Haley at #120 and James at #121. The blog commenter had exact numbers, and Haley sold 4338 units this weeks and James sold 4324. Wow, you cannot get much closer than that! Lauren sold about 1,000 more copies with sales of 5,317 this week. Scotty's total of 16,818 is again more than the other three singers sales combined.
It is exciting that the album names and release dates have been announced for both Scotty and Lauren now. Scotty's "Clear As Day" will be released October 4, and Lauren's "Wildflower" will be released October 11. So within two months both albums will be available. Confirms Scotty and Lauren's EP Sales Continue
Just as HitsDailyDouble predicted, Scotty McCreery once again increased sales of his EP, selling nearly 17,000 units to reach 119,000 in total sales. This was confirmed on the blog. He maintains a steady BillBoard placement of #20, now in the sixth week of sales. Lauren's numbers came in with sales again of ~5,000, pushing her total over 50,000 with a BillBoard ranking of #85. Since James and Haley have been consistently selling about the same number of units as Lauren during the tour, I bet they also sold around 5,000 units and should both be in the BillBoard Top 100 again.
Video View Numbers -- The Day After Release
Now that Scotty McCreery and Pia Toscano's videos have both been released I thought I would compare total views, of Lauren Alaina and Scotty on, and for all three of them on and We do have to remember that Lauren did have a one day lead on the other two, but actually on Vevo, her video is already behind Scotty's in total views at 112K versus 165K for Scotty. Pia trails the other two with only 30K views as of right now (almost noon central time.) On Scotty is listed as the #1 video of the day, but if you check the total views, Lauren leads him there with 76K views compared to his 48K. Since she did have an extra 24 hours over Scotty that puts the two of them fairly even on the CMT site. I do find it interesting that even though both Scotty and Lauren now have substantially more VEVO views than CMT views, even their CMT view counts are significantly higher than Pia's VEVO view count. If you check the numbers on YouTube, the numbers seem more current as they are slightly higher than the VEVO numbers:
Scotty 221K, Lauren 134K, Pia 44K
I always find it interesting if you do a YouTube search, for example, for "scottymccreeryvevo" you will see the video listed with 221,830 views, but if you then go to the video the view count drops down to 207,589:
The same is true with "laurenalainavevo" and "piatoscanovevo".
Due to Idol Chatter's Brian Mansfield not being in his office this week, the sales numbers for the Top 4 EP's may not be available today. However, the numbers for Scotty and Lauren should be out on the later today. The site HitsDailyDouble has already predicted another good week for Scotty with his sales actually going up again to be almost 17K for the week. That puts him at about 120K total which is a pretty impressive number for a compilation EP of cover songs.
Lauren Alaina's Music Video Currently #1 on CMT
I will have to admit when I first saw Lauren Alaina audition for American Idol, I thought she was fairly talented and had a lot of potential, but I did not think she was quite "ready for prime time". What I forgot was she is just a teenager and still growing up and improving even as we speak. With the release of this music video, it is hard to believe that rather goofy girl we saw during her audition is the same gorgeous young woman showcased in this video.
It is amazing what professional production, styling, makeup and a lot of training and practice can do, because now I believe Lauren is indeed ready for "prime time". As of right now (12:00pm central time) her video has received over 15,000 views on and is the #1 video on their site. With Scotty's video coming out tomorrow it will be interesting to see how their views and rankings compare on that site. Lauren will have a one day head start on number of views, so I will be curious if and when Scotty catches up. In any case, I do like Lauren's video which seems like typical CMT fare, and I hope it helps her sell her single and album (once it is released.) Yes, I will have to say I am now in fact a Lauren fan too! (as well as a Haley and Scotty fan -- Pia I am still not so sure about...)
With Pia's video not being released on CMT for obvious reasons, the only site that will likely have all 3 of them will be, although it does not seem to attract as much traffic (For example, right now Lauren has over 15,000 views on and only ~300 on Vevo.) I need some numbers to compare!
It is amazing what professional production, styling, makeup and a lot of training and practice can do, because now I believe Lauren is indeed ready for "prime time". As of right now (12:00pm central time) her video has received over 15,000 views on and is the #1 video on their site. With Scotty's video coming out tomorrow it will be interesting to see how their views and rankings compare on that site. Lauren will have a one day head start on number of views, so I will be curious if and when Scotty catches up. In any case, I do like Lauren's video which seems like typical CMT fare, and I hope it helps her sell her single and album (once it is released.) Yes, I will have to say I am now in fact a Lauren fan too! (as well as a Haley and Scotty fan -- Pia I am still not so sure about...)
With Pia's video not being released on CMT for obvious reasons, the only site that will likely have all 3 of them will be, although it does not seem to attract as much traffic (For example, right now Lauren has over 15,000 views on and only ~300 on Vevo.) I need some numbers to compare!
Music Videos, Release Dates and Pre-Sales - All Announced Today!
With Pia performing on "So You Think You Can Dance", the huge promotion for the Season 10 American Idols has kicked into high gear. First are the release dates for Scotty, Lauren and Pia's music videos:
- Lauren Alaina "Like My Mother Does" - Mon, Aug 8
- Scotty McCreery "I Love You This Big" - Tue, Aug 9
- Pia Toscano "This Time" - Tue, Aug 9
All three of them now have their official websites up too, all with the word "official" stuck in them. Why have they decided to make websites with "official" in them now?
I am not sure why Scotty has a dash in his URL and the ladies do not.
I also checked for, and and none of those seem live yet. I guess she does not have a single out yet or an album close to be being completed. We will have to wait for her release dates and website.
You can also pre-order Scotty and Lauren's unnamed albums now, and from the pre-order e-mails, it sounds like Scotty's album will be released October 4, and Lauren's will come out on October 11. No official word on Pia's album, and no pre-order abilities on her website yet. They do have a 15 second clip of her music video there. In reality I am rather curious about how well Pia's album does, since I feel fairly confident that Scotty's will do extremely well and Lauren's will also sell well (although not as well as Scotty's.)
And I am finally most curious of all about Haley's album since it could go in a variety of directions and should be the most interesting of all musically. The longer wait on her album will hopefully not hurt her long term sales. With Haley, I could see her album either flopping horribly or exploding and becoming huge.
Season 10 Idols all back in BillBoard Top 100
With fifth week sales numbers out, Lauren, James and Haley continue to sell about 5,000 units a piece, allowing them all to stay within the Top 100 of the BillBoard album chart. Last week Lauren and Haley barely dropped out of the top 100 but this week they climb back up, with Lauren leading the way at #89 (with Haley at #97 and James as #98.)
And then there is Scotty who defies all explanation. His sales increased by about 13% this week to a total of 16,000 units for the week, pushing his grand total to 102,000 EP's sold. Yes, this week he outsold his other three tour mates combined. His BillBoard placement also improved to #21 from #26 last week. The record executives must be salivating looking at his numbers. The four of them have now sold 231,000 units with Scotty selling nearly half of them.
And then there is Scotty who defies all explanation. His sales increased by about 13% this week to a total of 16,000 units for the week, pushing his grand total to 102,000 EP's sold. Yes, this week he outsold his other three tour mates combined. His BillBoard placement also improved to #21 from #26 last week. The record executives must be salivating looking at his numbers. The four of them have now sold 231,000 units with Scotty selling nearly half of them.
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