Hurray! WhatNotToSing is Back for Season 12!

If there is one thing I love it is numbers and I was happy to see that WhatNotToSing is already compiling numbers for web ratings for American Idol Season 12. Last night the first set of 10 ladies sang and WNTS already has preliminary web ratings of their performances. The current rankings has 4 of the judge selected top 5 the same, but has Isabelle rated slightly above Tenna Torres. In my own opinion I do not think that makes that much of a difference since I doubt either Isabelle or Tenna would have made the Top 10 anyway. Of the top 4, the biggest surprises were Amber Holcomb who I had not even noticed much before and Adriana Latonio who also has not received as much screen time either.  Angela Miller and Kree Harrison are now set up as female front runners, but both need some tweaking to be able to win the whole thing. Kree definitely needs some "style tips" if she wants people to vote for her in large numbers, and Angela has to make sure she does not develop the dreaded "early front runner" syndrome (never living up to her original performance from last week.) Of the two of them, I believe Angela definitely has much higher "win-ability" right now, but she has to make sure people do not tire of her always being consistently critiqued as amazing week after week.

Tonight is the first group of 10 guys and I will be curious to see who remains from them.