Me First!

This Sunday, our church celebrated the Feast of Christ the King. It's a big day for the Catholic Church, and the main tradition in ours is to take out a short procession in the city, usually around the massive church block. It's about a mile and a half long, and all the people from the entire Diocese attend. People walk with candles lit and sing and pray, in order to proclaim to the world that Christ is indeed King.

Anyway, on Sunday, after the procession and the service was over, our church provided tea and snacks- "light refreshments"- for the people. My mom loves her tea- so of course, I had to go and fetch a cup for her. As always. So I went over to the place where people were taking the tea- and it was madness. About twenty people were gathered around the same one stall and were literally pushing their way through- for a cup of tea. It took me about a minute to squeeze through- and when I finally did get through, grabbed an empty paper cup and tried to fill it- someone pushed me aside! I'm not even kidding! I got hot tea all over my hand and only managed to fill a quarter of the cup. Well, someone's in a hurry. But it wasn't just that one person. Everytime I tried to put my cup under the tap of flowing tea, someone would come and put their hand there first. Well, I finally managed to get a full cup, but I was just so angry- not the emotion you should be feeling straight after church- and I just started thinking about how much of a hurry people are in these days.

Seriously, it's like, "Me first! Me first!" all over the place. Why? Are people scared that they'll miss out on something so incredibly important, like, I don't know, a cup of tea!? It's not just this case, I see it all over the place- people cutting lines, pushing others aside, staying up all night outside stores just to be the first ones in the next morning (50% OFF!), it's everywhere. And I hate it.

Maybe I'm laid back, maybe Hakuna Matata is my life's motto ("What's the motto with you?") but seeing people get so freaked out about wanting to be first everywhere they are irks me so much. I wish people would calm down, go with the flow and just...chill!