"The methodology of legitimization of Islam has not been endorsed by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques might be shut until further notice," Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture, was cited by Agence Ecofin on Friday, November 22.
Silva remarks were given throughout her visit this past Tuesday to the sixth Commission of the national gathering.
She stated that the choice was the most recent is an arrangement of exertions to ban "unlawful" religious organizations.
As per the clergyman, the activity was important to battle tirelessly against the development of assemblies whose revering is negating with the traditions of the Angolan society.
Same as Islam, different faiths which were not legitimized will face closure of their houses of worship.
"All groups on the agenda distributed by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the Angolan daily paper 'Jornal de Angola' are disallowed to conduct worship, so they might as well keep their entryways shut," she was cited by Cameroon Voice.
The provincial governor of Luanda, Bento, has additionally said on the wireless transmissions of a neighborhood radio that "radical Muslims are not welcome in Angola and the Angolan government is not prepared for the sanctioning of mosques.""In addition, we also have a long list of more than a thousand legalization applications,” she added.
He added that Muslims were not welcome in Angola and that the government would not legalize the presence of mosques in the country.
Consistent with CIA Factbook, 47% of Angolans practice indigenous beliefs, 38% Roman Catholic and 15% Protestant.