TIPS: Getting Natural Pink Lips

Pink lips is one of the delightfulness of the face, most people wish to have a pink lips generally particularly females on the grounds that magnificence is not all about having a wonderful face alone yet having an excellent confront with delicate and pink lips, pink lips makes the face look enchanting and engaging. 
Pink lips improves the magnificence of the face with a beautiful and beguiling grin. 
Numerous ladies want to wear pink lip-stick yet numerous wind up harming their lips with chemicals and mixed bags of corrective items. 
Taking hot stuffs and smoking make some men lips come to be dull and pale incorporating some ladies. Numerous individuals give careful consideration to their lips and numerous attempt however much as could reasonably be expected to get pink lips yet nothing simply working out for them. 
Some even go as far doing surgery and attempting diverse technique to get counterfeit pink lips however the inquiry is does the fake pink lips truly keep going for ever? without symptoms? 
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1• Brush your lips with soft tooth brush every night before going to bed or while brushing your teeth  

2• Scrub your lips with sugar add with lemon and olive oil, to ex foliate out the dead cells on the lips surface

3• Make a paste mixture of: lemon, glycerine  crushed seed of pomegranate, beetroot juice, rose-petal, yoghurt and olive oil . Apply this mixture of paste on your lips leave for 30 mins then gently scrub it off then rise your lips with milk.

4* always moisturise your lips with lip-balm when going out and always apply coco butter whenever you are inside to keep your lips soft, though this treatment require patience and continuity but a good outcome is guaranteed within a duration of 30 days if applied daily.

Tips by sawdiq-wealthcom
Fitness trainer,wellness specialist, massage and beauty therapist 

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