With just a few more weeks until the season is over, it was good to see that voting (as least DialIdol voting) was up significantly this week, with 45,000 votes cast and a staggering 822 busy signals. That is the highest number of busy signals this season, although almost all of them are for either Kree Harrison or Angie Miller. I changed my "busy signal" graph to now track the busy signals for those two contestants since voting began:
Earlier in the season it was Angie who was receiving the majority of the busy signals and now it is Kree. Other contestants (including both Candice Glover and Amber Holcomb) hardly have any busy signals at all. For example this week, Kree had 293+138=431 and Angie had 157+56=213, but Amber only had 85+55=140 and Candice only had 28+10=38. This is very similar to their results last week when Candice and Amber were in the Bottom 2.
However, when you look at their WhatNotToSing web ratings from last night, Candice and Amber are on the opposite ends of the scale. If we average the two solo performances, Candice is on the top of the ladies and Amber is on the bottom:
1) Candice: 86 + 60 = 146 => 73 average
2) Kree: 65 + 49 = 114 => 57 average
3) Angie: 56 + 42 = 98 => 49 average
4) Amber: 22 + 61 = 83 => 41.5 average
So if we graph their trends over the past weeks:
We see that Candice has regained some of her performance lead, and Amber remains at the bottom among the remaining four ladies. So the odds are definitely not in Amber's favor for lasting much longer on the show.