Another September

Well, we're into September 2012! If you don't know already, September is my favorite month of the year. Why? Well, because it's my birthday month!!! Wait...birthday month? Maybe I should just say birth-month...

ANY-way...My birthday is on September 24. (Wait. You didn't know that!? How can you be reading my blog and not know that my birthday is on September 24? Shame on you for not knowing that my birthday is on September 24! Now I expect a present from you on my birthday which is on September 24.)

Oh. did I mention that my birthday is on September 24? In case I didn't, allow me to tell you. My birthday is on September 24.

All jokes aside, let me get serious. This is no ordinary birthday. I'm turning...wait for it...21!!! That's right! Twenty one! How cool! It's so weird to be on the verge of manhood (Isn't that what it's called?) Hmm...I kinda feel old already.

This month is packed with a lot more stuff, though. I've started my final year of college last week, and I know this month is going to be busy. I have yet to get my text books, let alone start studying!

To wrap up this update/post, I am adding a list of some awesome celebrities who were also born in September (just for a little ego-boost!) Toodles!

 Colin Firth
James Mardsen
Amy Poehler
Olivia Newton-John
Anneliese van der Pol
Adam Sandler
Keanu Reeves
Will Smith
Gwyneth Paltrow
Salma Hayek
Naomi Watts
Charlie Sheen
Hugh Grant
Michael Douglas
Christina Milian
Jonathan Taylor Thomas (The JTT!)
Zachary Levi
Serena Williams
Amy Winehouse
 And many, many, many more!

Yes, September is THE month to be born in, isn't it? ;)

Anyone else born in September reading this? COMMENT!!! Then email me, we simply MUST do lunch some time!