The American Idol DialIdol raw votes get a lot more complicated now that each contestant has two voting lines. I always wondered why someone decided to pick the first phone number or the second one. Right after the show ended I tried calling both numbers for two different contestants and I got through on all 4 lines. I was hoping to see which ones were busier, but it seems to be random. For example from the raw DialIdol votes, Elise Testone's and Jessica Sanchez's second lines are being used the most for them, but for every one else their first line is more used for voting. I am not sure what to make of it. I had to check last week's numbers to see how well they predicted the Bottom 3, and although it predicted Colton Dixon's poor voting profile pretty well, it did not predict Hollie Cavanagh or Elise Testone being in the Bottom 3 at all. Hollie had the highest number of busy signals and the third highest busy percentage, while Elise had the highest busy percentage and the third highest number of busy signals. Yet, they both ended up in the Bottom 3 with Colton.
Instead the Bottom 3 was much better guessed by the Idol Chatter poll takers last week where they picked Elise, then Colton, then either Jessica or Hollie for the Bottom 3, so let's see what they are saying this week:
As of right now (90 minutes after the show ended) the most likely pick is again Elise, followed by Hollie, and then Phillip with Jessica close behind him. It sure is getting hard to predict these things. I can again see Hollie and Elise in the Bottom 3, but since Hollie performed last, I doubt she will be going home. Yet again Jessica did not get to perform last, in fact she went first so maybe she will end up in the Bottom 3. I will be curious to see if Phillip may even see his first appearance there. It would really average everything out if he finally landed in the Bottom 3, so that not even Phillip looks eternally safe.