With a fairly balanced American Idol show this evening and nobody really stinking it up, it becomes a little tougher to decide who will be in the bottom three and who will be leaving us tomorrow. From the preliminary raw scores on DialIdol and the opinion poll on Idol Chatter, I am guessing Heejun Han and DeAndre Brackensick will likely be in the bottom 3 again with one of them going home. But who will be the third person with them? The Idol Chatter opinion poll has Hollie Cavanagh as the third most likely to be going home, and with the judges' less than flattering comments tonight she may see her first appearance in the Bottom 3. However, I can also possibly see Joshua Ledet making a return appearance to the Bottom 3 since his performance this week was not a "standout" and he had to perform not only before Elise Testone, but also before the Skylar, Hollie, Jessica "Madonna" trio. He is the third from the bottom on Dial Idol raw votes.
It is easy to pick a few who should definitely NOT be in the bottom 3:
1) Elise Testone since she went last and performed a well-known upbeat song and performed it well.
2) Phillip Phillips because he is Phillip and performed another upbeat Dave Matthews like rocking number.
3) Jessica Sanchez because she is Jessica and even if a catastophe happened and she was voted off the judges would definitely use the save on her (and Jimmy Iovine will sign her regardless of what happens on the show.)
I would put Colton Dixon there as #4 sure bet, but he did go first and I wonder if his fan support is as large as Phillip's and/or Jessica's. He is probably safe too, and you also know the judges would use their save on him if disaster befell him.
So that leaves Skylar Laine as possibly being the third option along with Joshua and Hollie as the final member (with Heejun and DeAndre) in the Bottom 3. In the unlikely event that Hollie, Skylar or Joshua ended up being the bottom vote receiver and possibly eliminated, I am not sure if the judges would use their save on one of them (wanting to save it for Jessica, Phillip or Colton, perhaps). I do not think they will use the save on either Heejun or DeAndre for sure. I am pretty sure Elise is safe this week, but in a couple more weeks she may not be, and I will be curious if the judges would save her when there are 7 or 6 people left.