Desktop Wallpapers

It is the background you see behind all your menus, dialog boxes and files: your virtual desk. It is an image used as a background on a computer screen, generally for the desktop of a graphical user interface
Wallpapers and Our Mood

Whenever somebody connects with computers, usually his first step is to create pleasant working atmosphere in his virtual space.
Wallpaper has direct impact on our mood and nature. We feel happy when we see the natural beauty. If you go to a place where you find mountains, snow and lots of trees, you will feel good there.
Similarly, wallpapers play an extremely vital role when it comes to mood. We can place a lion's wallpaper to feel the power of a lion or any wallpaper you are passionate about which will help you to keep working for your passion. You will notice that it helps immensely to control your feelings and you don't get bored.