Phillip Phillips "World From The Side of the Moon" Remains Top 75 after 30 weeks

blue = Phillip, purple = Kelly, black = Carrie, green = Fantasia (orange= Colton, red = Jessica) 
Well over a year past American Idol Season 11 win, Phillip Phillips still sees his "World From the Side of the Monn" album sitting at #75 on the BillBoard album chart. Kelly Clarkson's "Greatest Hits" album was released the same week, and after 30 weeks it also remains strong at #91, especially for an album which is mostly a compilation of older songs. Leading both of those Idol winners on the charts are one newer album, Fantasia "Side Effects of You" at #62 after 8 weeks, and one older album, Carrie Underwood's "Blown Away" at #74 after 59 weeks.

And it now appears as if the latest American Idol winner, Candice Glover, may not be joing the chart until later than expected. Her July 16 release date for "Music Speaks" may have been pushed back to August 27 after the tour is further in progress. Hopefully this will give Interscope more time to promote her album and push out a real single to radio.