American Idol Tragedy 2013: Lazaro Not Only Survives - He is Top 3!

Oh my goodness, after Angie Miller and Kree Harrison were picked as two of the Top 3 tonight, I was curious which of the other gals there would join them. My bet was on Janelle Arthur first or Candice Glover second, but the crazy answer was Lazaro Arbos! Luckily the next two people sent to safety were Candice and Amber Holcomb, but that meant either Janelle Arthur or Burnell Taylor was going home -- and not Lazaro! I updated my WhatNotToSing rating graph for this week with the known Top 3 (green), middle 2 (orange) and bottom 2 with Janelle in yellow and Burnell in red (eliminated.) Yet, again Lazaro not only survived, but he received more votes than Janelle, Amber or Candice, all three of whom could sing circles around him and could actually record listenable music.

Another interesting number given tonight was the vote total of 25 million, which was down from the 26  million from last week. That means either less people are voting, or people are voting less diligently. I wonder if the FaceBook "Super Voting" is hurting there total vote counts since it is so easy now to just cast your 50 online FaceBook votes and be done with it. It sure beats hitting redial a billion times on your phone. Do they truly count those FaceBook votes as equal to 50 phone calls or 50 SMS text messages? I am curious exactly how the accounting works on these votes. But once again if most of those 25 million votes were people "Super Voting" on FaceBook with one account, that would mean only 500,000 people voting out of the over 11 million people who watched the performance show last night. Do only 4.5% of the people watching Idol vote (less than 1 of 20.) I am glad my cat voted!

Now the remaining contestants must realize that someone has to duet with Lazaro next week. The two guys who teamed in the terrible trio with him last week are now gone, and Angie did her good deed for the week having to sing with him on Rock Week. I pity the poor girl who must sing with him now. All the other guys are gone. There are just five gals who can sing and Lazaro. That almost sounds like the name of a new situation comedy!