So What If They Did? So Can You!

 I've never been the jealous type. I never bring people down just because they've achieved something I haven't. But have you ever had a moment when someone you know just seems to have everything going for them and you just seem kind of...lost? Yeah, we all go through times like that.

Recently, I couldn't help but feel a little bitter when someone I know seemed to have everything going their way. A great life, with everything just perfect. After a few minutes of feeling low about myself, I suddenly realized that if I was going to hold negative feelings, it was only going to hurt me. And besides, why on earth was I feeling so blue when I myself have so much to be thankful for! The things I've done, the places I've been, the people I've met, it just seems amazing to me.

The trouble with humans is that we are never satisfied. We force ourselves into the great rat-race of life and are forever comparing ourselves to others. We're always trying to match up to the "standards" others set, when really, it's us that's creating those standards.

One thing that keeps me from losing it is the constant belief in my abilities. I have achieved a lot during my life. I've done a lot of which I can be proud. They may not have been the flashiest or most glamorous things, but I made them happen using nothing but my own skill and talent. At the same time, I'm working hard to make my dreams come true. In fact, I've now learned that when people around you do great things, it's a wake-up call for you to work even harder and give it your all. And when people display their success, I cheer them on.

Sometimes we'll the ones who are cheering, and sometimes we'll be the ones receiving the cheers.

So the next time you feel like someone's success is bringing you down, don't let it get to you. Instead, congratulate them- the next time it will be YOU getting all the praise!