The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Finally, after a year-long wait, it's that time of year again! December, the month of Christmas! Time to pull out the decorations, put up that tree and make delicious food! I have a lot planned for this month, and I'm not going to waste any time in putting those plans to fruition.

I've always loved Christmas. For me, Christmas is about getting together once again with family and friends, forgetting everything bad that's happened throughout the past year and looking forward to what's in store for the next. It's a reminder that one child can indeed change the world.

Our family has a lot of Christmas traditions. In my city, our family (mom's side at least) is divided into four different houses. We always have at least one family get together at each house during the month. Although the major Christmas lunch is at my Uncle Harry's place, because that was the house my mom and her family (two parents, three brothers and five sisters; they were a handful I hear) grew up in. I love meeting cousins and distant family friends and catching up. It's not like Christmas is the ONLY time of the year we all meet, but the fact that it's Christmas makes it much more special.

Fruitcake is another tradition. Every December (around the 20th or so) mom visits the bakery with a big bunch of ingredients. Things like rum-soaked fruit peels, nuts, raisins, and much more. Then the men at the bakery use mom's ingredients in utterly delicious fruitcakes! I always suspect that the reason those cakes taste so good is because of all the hard work mom puts into those cake ingredients. She buys them a month  beforehand, chops them up (by hand!), soaks them in rum and puts the entire mixture in a big plastic bucket to mature. When the cakes are ready, they look like dark brown bricks and smell divine. I can hardly ever wait to taste them, but mom insists that we only cut them on Christmas Day ("How would YOU feel if someone cut and ate your birthday cake before your own birthday!?")

Then there's the music! It's tradition in the Wright household to start playing the Christmas Carols on the evening of December 1. The song I always love to start the season with is "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey, because I've literally grown up with that song. When I was younger, I used to go carolling with the church choir and would return home late at night! (Although I haven't been for a few years because of school and studies- I just might go again this year!)

It's a must to also put up a crib in the living room- right near the tree- so people remember the greatest story ever told.

Christmas Eve is a very important night in out family because that night we attend Midnight Mass! It's awesome and you just get goosebumps because it begins exactly at 12am- the very moment December 25 begins! Starting Christmas Day in the House of God- nothing gets better. You only have to remember to take a nap in the afternoon, otherwise you run the risk of dozing off during a rendition of "Ave Maria." After the mass is over, at say, 1:30am, we all go out and wish EVERY ONE you run into "Merry Christmas!" It's a good idea to also hug people because it's freezing at that time. The church also provides you with fruitcake and coffee, and I dare say, that's my favorite part.

It's a truly wonderful season- one where everyone comes together and celebrates. Old, young, rich, poor, no matter what, this is a beautiful time of year. It's not about the presents you receive or the attention you get- what matters is that you live with the people around you with peace, love and joy, sharing the message of the child in the manger.

It's just the beginning of the month, and I'll try my best to share with you all the wonderful memories we make this year!

Well, that's enough about me! What are YOUR Christmas traditions? I would love to hear! Comment below!