Last Week's American Idol Album Sales Numbers

Get Well, Brian Mansfield!
It appears that the person at USA Today who posts the American Idol sales numbers is having colon cancer surgery, so that sounded like a pretty good reason for him not posting sales numbers last Wednesday. (Here's to Brian Mansfield who does such a great job over at USA Today supplying the Idolsphere with numbers. We love you and keep yourself healthy!) In any case he did submit numbers over the weekend (what a trooper!) so now I can fill out my little chart. My guess on numbers for last week's Walmart EP sales were pretty close although Brian's numbers had Phillip at 20K (I was using HitsDailyDouble's 19K), Joshua at 9K (I was guessing 8K), Jessica at 6K (I guessed 6K-7K) and Hollie at 3K as I predicted.

Here is my chart for the Idols in the BillBoard Top 200 (minus the Walmart EP's). Casey Abrams did drop out after just one week, but 5 other Idols remain on the chart:
(maroon = Scotty, green = Kelly, yellow = Carrie, orange = Adam, blue= Haley)
Carrie Underwood's "Blown Away" was not too far behind Phillip's sales with 15K in sales (617K total, #35 on the chart) and Kelly Clarkson's 9 month old "Stronger" still managed to top all the other EP sales numbers as well (9K for 855K total and #57). Scotty McCreery's "Clear As Day" and Adam Lambert's "Trespassing" both were able to stay within the BillBoard Top 200, and even Haley Reinhart's "Listen Up!" remained with a nice increase to 3K in sales (44K total, #190). Including the EP's that makes 10 Idols in the BillBoard Top 200 and 6 in the Top 100.