American Idol Top 3 Betting Odds - After Homecoming Weekends

The numbers on have shifted slightly now that the American Idol Homecomings have been completed over the weekend. Scotty McCreery's odds to win dropped even further to 1/2 with his very popular visit to North Carolina where the rain did not hit his concert, and even with the rainout at the NC State baseball game, he still had some good video shot of his sliding across the tarps on the field. Haley Reinhart has seen her slight edge over Lauren Alaina disappear as they are both now tied at 7/2 odds to win. Haley's homecoming concert was in a cold 45 degrees at Arlington Park, but it sounded like she still had a large crowd there. Lauren's concert in Chatanooga had better weather but it sounds like her crowds may not have been as large as Scotty or Haley's and she sang fewer songs to save her voice. There also seems to a ton of video coverage of Scotty and Haley's performances over the weekend, and only a few of Lauren's on YouTube. From these facts, I was guessing that Haley's odds would continue to improve over Lauren's but that does not seem to be the case.
On Wednesday each contestant will be performing three songs so that should give a lot of chances for each one to demonstrate their versatility.